
Get standout packaging design that attracts consumers.

Your unique and unforgetable face that gets you noticed.

Lettering, Illustration, Pattern Design.
And all the unforseen design tasks that suddenly arise and stress you out.
Don't worry - I got you covered. Fast.

Packaging Design

Packaging design can be a critical success factor for a product or brand by creating a positive first impression, differentiating the product from its competitors, reinforcing the brand’s identity, communicating important information, protecting the product, and promoting sustainability.

The role of packaging design is crucial and can determine wheather a lead will become a client.

In a crowded market, good packaging design can differentiate a product from its competitors, making it stand out and easier to remember. The packaging design conveys the brand’s values and messaging, and creates an emotional connection with the customer.

Appealing design creates trust in the audience – if you put an effort into a good design you are really making the effort with the product itself and care about the client. And as we all know – trust leads to sales.

Visual Identity

Crafting unique brand aesthetics!

This is the face of your brand. It’s how it will be known to the world. Visual identity means creating consistency and recognition of your brand throughout all touchpoints. It’s the connection with the audience that makes the brand known. 


Key elements that create the visual identity are: logo, color palette, typography, imagery, illustrations, shapes… A well-crafted visual identity represents your brand like no other.


Let’s create a memorble brand that stands out, resonates with your audience and builds trust.

Graphic Design
& Ad Hoc Design

From graphic design projects like lettering, illustration, surface pattern, advertising design to the unforseen ad hoc design tasks that suddenly arise and stress the hell out of you. Don’t worry – I got it covered with creative, effective and quickly delievered solutions.